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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Do it NOW!

Meditation by yourself or in a group is absolutely necessary if you are ever going to make any progress, whatsoever, in liberation from any kind of suffering. But meditation is not enough. You must also practice mindfulness with every waking hour, minute, and second of your life.

Sitting in meditation is insufficient in becoming enlightened.  Meditation must also be coupled with the act of staying in the moment no matter what happens - driving, walking, working, talking, listening, or whatever you are doing.  You must be awake and actively vigilant to the present moment.  It is some of the hardest work in the world to just be present in the moment and open minded. 

When the mind is in the future and the past you cannot be living a full life.  Something is missing when that happens. Life is the unknown, unrecognized and under appreciated teacher because it is the present-moment. It is really all there is.  So, begin your practice right now, this very moment.

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